
My name is Lorenzo Pieri and you can find me online as:

I also write on these blogs:

It's never easy to describe oneself, especially when one is interested in so many different topics and fields and I guess that says something about who I am after all. I find it fun and entertaining to teach difficult subjects through exotic methods and stories and people seem to also have fun while I do so.

I believe in the union between science and human values (read fun) and I often work and participate in non-profit organisation and projects which aim to bring culture and scientific knowledge to those interested but also to people that became uninterested in such subjects thanks to a bad education program.

Other pictures:


I’m part of amazing communities of humans

Contributor and Co-Founder

Schrödinger Hat - Il podcast italiano per sviluppatori open source


ICT Power - Tutto il potere della tecnologia in un unico portale


pisa.dev - la community degli sviluppatori pisani

I’m part of the amazing team at Birdie